
World Vision – 40 Hour Famine

Want to help the global crisis of world hunger? In 2022, Trinity Grammar School continues to get involved in the annual...

From the Head of the Preparatory School

Year 1 and 2 Grandparents Day Earlier this week we welcomed a large number of grandparents for our Year 1 and...

Awards for the Week

Congratulations to this week’s Junior School Award winners… KR James Hoare Adam Kouba Ethan Wright   1T Ryan Bao Waseem Hijazi Jimmy Zhao   2R Raphael Karlos Lucas Lieu Raphael Mesiti   3B Thomas Haore Max Lamb Marcus Tsia   3N Max...

Book Parade Bake Sale | Preparatory School

Book Parade Bake Sale

Tuesday 16th August Variety of Sweet Treats Expresso Coffee Van Available 8:30am - 10:30am

Save The Date: Parents and Friends’ Association and Summer Hill Auxiliary Meetings

Parents and Friends’ Association and Summer Hill Auxiliary

Please note the meeting dates below. The School will place a notice...

Strathfield Auxiliary | AGM

Notification to Parents: Annual General Meeting

Strathfield Auxiliary Meeting | Friday 26th August 2022 On behalf of the Strathfield Auxiliary, I would...

Cool head wins Comm Games medal for Sam

Sam Fricker managed to control his passionate, competitive nature and secure a coveted bronze medal with a high-stakes final dive...

Ollie grabs gold in a race for the ages

Ollie Hoare ran the race of his life to win the 1500m gold medal in Commonwealth Games record time, then...

How Christian schools develop a foundation of core Christian values

Christian Schools

When it comes to deciding where to send your child to school, the sheer volume of choices in front...

What is Outdoor Education in NSW Schools?

Outdoor Education

If you’ve been on the hunt for the right school in which to enrol your child, it’s likely you’ve...