

As a Christian, Anglican School, Trinity welcomes students of all backgrounds, created by God and loved by him. All knowledge is God’s and he generously allows us to know and learn things. Therefore, the world is entitled to be studied objectively and in its own right. It is a good creation of God. So, it follows that we do not look to a Christian theory of everything nor do we seek to find the ‘spiritual’ in everything. 

Trinity’s support system and pastoral care network for students is comprehensive, with House Masters, tutors, counsellors and more all working together to ensure every student is getting the best support to ensure he can thrive academically, emotionally, physically and spiritually. The School Chaplaincy team is an integral part of this support system.

Within the Trinity community, you’ll see Chaplains at work in a variety of different ways. Whether it’s at Chapel and other large gatherings, in classes teaching Christian Studies, Maths, Science, History, Theory of Knowledge, and more, or coordinating small groups that students attend voluntarily across the School on each campus. Some of the team also coach Basketball, Volleyball and Cricket.

Trinity Chaplains are part of a Christian Ministry to the whole school community. This means

  • Every student from K-12 attends Chapel once per week
  • A variety of annual and specialist chapel services occur, including House services, Lessons and Carols for Advent, and Remembrance Day with the Cadet Unit
  • Each calendar year begins with a chapel service for all staff
  • Each student attends Christian Studies once per week and there is a chaplaincy to the whole school
  • The opportunity to join voluntary Christian groups to learn more about Jesus, pray, read the Bible and go into the community to serve others